Saturday 8 July 2017

Ayurvedic Treatment For Hair Growth

When it comes to hair growth, Ayurvedic hair care is a very safe process. Ayurvedic hair oil can cure your hair loss issues for sure. Also check out various oils for hair growth online and grab them before it is too late. Don’t forget that Ayurvedic home remedies are very effective and they are cost effective too. Here are some effective Ayurvedicways to reduce hair loss, enjoy healthy hair and healthy hair growth.

1. Bhringraj

Known as “king of herbs”, Bhringraj can surely help promote hair growth. It can be used to prevent balding and premature graying. Bhringraj is generally available in powdered form or as Ayurvedic hair oil. Apply it on your scalp regularly before going to sleep. Apart from boosting hair growth, this will also have a calming effect and help you sleep better.

2. Neem

Since ages, neem is used to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. Use of neem on daily basis can improve blood circulation in the scalp thereby strengthening the roots. This in turn, would boost healthy hair growth. You can also get rid of dandruff and lice using neem. If you are battling dryness, scaliness, eczema, psoriasis and increased sebum, neem can be the best remedy.

3. Ritha (Soap Nuts)

Traditionally, ritha or soap nuts are used as natural shampoo. Using rithaon daily basis can promote hair growth and improve their texture. It is a mild ingredient, so your hair would maintain its natural oils even if you wash your hair every day with it.

4. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha, also known as Indian Winter Cherry is a lovely and powerful herb for hair regrowth. Commonly used as Ayurvedic medicine for hair fall, Ashwagandha can boost antioxidant activity and help circulation of blood in the scalp. Ashwagandha offers protection from dandruff and encourages the creation of melanin, which is a must for hair growth.

5. Brahmi

Let your hair and mane strengthen and grow healthy with the help of Brahmi. It encourages new follicle growth and provides the much needed nourishment to the hair roots. Use Brahmi regularly for thick and lustrous hair. Take the help of Brahmi to deal with hair issues like dandruff and itchy scalp.

6. The Aromatic Jatamansi

This Ayurvedic hair care herb promotes hair growth. Jatamansiassists in purifying the blood and boost its circulation. It also provides the required nourishment to the scalp for healthy hair growth.

7. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a popular name in Ayurveda. It is a vital ingredient when it comes to strengthening scalp health, reducing hair fall, and boosting hair growth.


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