Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Amazing Benefits of Buying Triphala Tablets

Triphala tablets are getting very popular by each passing day because of their benefits that improve the health of people and make their lives better. Triphala churna is basically a traditional herbal formulation which is derived from the dried powder of three different fruits.  The word Triphala is derived from the Sanskrit words “tri” and “phala”, meaning three and fruit respectively. Whereas churna simply means powder.

Triphala consists of ellagic acid, gallic acid and chebulinic acid. These are known to be strong antioxidants. Triphala churna contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antidiarrheal abilities that enhance the ability of the body to fight with abnormalities.

When you begin to consume triphala churna, body may experience many benefits. If you are wondering what they are, well, here we are going to discuss that.

Natural Laxative and Colon Cleanser

Triphala is a natural laxative that has tremendous ability to nourish the digestive tract and help regulate bowel movements. To cleanse colon, triphala can be very useful as it flushes out the bacteria, heavy metal detox and excess fatty acids from the body. Clean colon can also have a heavy impact on the nervous system that would help the person feel calmness when going through fatigue and anxiety.

Weight Loss

So many of us dream of losing weight in little time but often that is not possible because of inability of body to lose weight but triphala churna makes it possible as it encourages regular bowel movements and manages the weight well. You can take triphala tablets to decrease waist and hip circumference due to the presence of antioxidant, anti hyperlipidem and free radical scavenging properties.

Lower Cholesterol

Cholesterol occurs in the body naturally so that cells, nerves and hormones can function naturally. But the problem may arise when Cholesterol is produced in heavy amount as when it is blended with fat, calcium and other substances in the blood, plaque may be formed in the body. To get rid of all such problems, its advised to take triphala churna as it lowers cholesterol and makes sure that body is functioning normally along with reducing the risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke.

Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Arthritis

Triphala churna contains high antioxidant and polyphenol content that makes it a wonderful anti-inflammatory substance. These qualities are amazing for people who suffer from Arthritis or diseases that involve the high level of inflammation.

Now that you know how beneficial triphala churna is, make sure you incorporate it in your daily life for an improved health.  

Friday, 16 March 2018

How to Find the Best Ayurvedic Oil and Remedies for Pain Relief

One of the major health problems that we seem to be dealing with is body pain. It disrupts with our regular functioning at school, college and office. When the pain is too much, it can also disturb the sleeping pattern. Many of us visit doctors regularly and take medication prescribed to get help but it doesn’t always guarantee that help would be attained.

In such cases, people often wonder what can be done about the problem. Well, there are many ayurvedic oils and remedies that would be beneficial for you. Ayurvedic remedies have been popular for a long time in our country and now abroad. It’s a over 1000 years old style of medicine that is derived from the nature. It has many remedies and medications that are prevalent even to this day.

For joint pain, there are many types of ayurvedic oil and relief methods available that you can use. What are they? Well, here we are going to discuss that.


Ashwagandha is commonly known in Indian language as Indian ginseng or winter cherry. Although its scientific or botanical name is Withania somnifera. It must be noted that it Isn’t a type of ginseng at all, but its plant may resemble tomato plant. Ashwagandha herb is a highly popular ayurvedic medication that is prescribed for many types of health issues. For joint pain relief, Ashwagandha should be used as it has high anti-inflammatory properties that not only brings down the pain but also calms the mind. You can use Ashwagandha as pain relief oil.

Proper Exercise

Many times it’s the Stiff muscles that become the cause of body pain and other conditions like arthritis. to remove such disorders, its suggested that a person must have proper exercise to help himself and his body. When the body is active, it does not have many chances   to have body pain as there is proper circulation of blood and joints are properly moved.

Proper Diet

Change in diet can be amazingly useful in preventing body pain. Often it’s the Chronic inflammation which is the cause of weakness in bones and tissues. This can even lead to tissue degeneration. When you include anti-inflammatory properties in your diet, you would notice that joint and bone pain are relatively reduced. Include items like cold-water fish, chia seeds and walnuts to lower inflammation in the body. Along with proper diet, you can also use ayurvedic oil for relief.

Now body pain can be well managed with the help of all these tips!

Friday, 9 March 2018

Pick the Best Ayurvedic Shampoos for Your Hair

Nowadays, people are fond of experimenting with their hairs much often, application of hair gel, chemicals etc. Leads to hair fall. The improper nutrition and lack of care have led to hair fall amongst the youth of India. These creams and gels have their own side effects. It only provides shine for a short period of time and does not heal the hair loss naturally.

People use shampoos of different brands but those shampoos terribly fail to provide the essential nutrients to the scalp, as the result the condition does not improve. The use of ayurvedic shampoo on the other hand helps the hairs to grow naturally. These shampoos does not go under any chemical processes and have no side effects. Here are some of the ayurvedic shampoos for your hair -:

Almond Shampoo

One should make use of the almond shampoo if they have an imbalance in vata dosha. The almond shampoo makes the hair smooth, lustrous and silky at the same time. People who are suffering from the problems of the nervous system must use the almond shampoo regularly. It provides strength to the centers of brain connected with various sense organs. It rejuvenates the roots of the hairs and make them strong.

Amla Shampoo

The dust particles and molecules in the air causes dandruff and dry hair which leads to hair fall. If you are suffering from dandruff, greying of hair and hair loss, amla shampoo will work best for you. It keeps the hair scalp cool and fresh all day. Generally, the hair fall takes place when there is an imbalance in the dosha. Amla shampoo maintains a proper balance between all the three doshas. It is an optimum natural remedy to cure hair loss.

Black Pearl Shampoo

If you are unable to get relief from your itchy scalp and dandruff, black pearl shampoo is there for you. It is a natural shampoo that provides relief to the scalp by removing the harmful impurities from the hairs. It enhances the thickness of the hairs and provides shine to them. There are a lot of brands that guarantee you shine in your hairs but they have unnatural ways to achieve that, ayurvedic black pearl shampoo, on the other hand, is completely natural and is prepared using the natural herbs, thus provides natural shine to the hairs that last for a longer period of time. 

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Buy Ashwagandha Tablets For Your Good Health

Ashwagandha is generally called as adaptogen which means it provides relief from stress disorders. People suffering from blood sugar levels, cortisol levels, stress and anxiety etc. should purchase ashwagandha tablets. Ashwagandha also has anti-cancer properties which makes it a great remedy for cancer patients. The ashwagandha tablets provides strength to the nervous system and helps the user to handle stress better by elevating their stress threshold. It also maintain a proper balance between the three doshas namely vata, pitta and kapha. It is one of the most powerful rejuvenation herb known in India. Let’s look at some of the benefits of ashwagandha tablets-:

Ashwagandha for Stress and Anxiety

Ashwagandha has proved to be one of the most effective herbs to reduce stress and anxiety, there are many research that have been conducted to know the effect of ashwagandha on the brain to find out how does it reduces stress. They concluded that it blocks the stress pathway by regulating the chemical signaling in the nervous system.

Improves sexual health

People who are suffering from low testosterone levels and lower sperm count should make use of ashwagandha tablets. It brings fertility in men and improve the sperm count. It increases the anti-oxidants in the body which leads to clean functioning of the reproductive system in men. It will keep the harmful viruses away from the body and promotes higher testosterone levels.

Fat loss and muscle gain

If you are looking to gain muscle mass on your body and reduce the fat percentage, ashwagandha tablets will do a world of good to you. They increase the overall strength of the body and improve the body composition. A healthy man should take around 750-1250mg per day to improve muscle mass and reduce weight in 30 days. You do not require any mass gainer to gain muscle or any fat burner to reduce weight. Ashwagandha tablets are enough to maintain the proper balance of the body.

Speaking of fat loss, muscle gain and imbalance arjuna ayurvedic tablets is also used to cure the fat loss and balance all the doshas namely vata, pitta and kapha. It also provide strength to heart muscles and reduce cholesterol levels. In case a person is suffering from hypertension and diabetes, ashwagandha tablets work best for them by removing complications related to the same.

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

How Ayurvedic chyawanprash Are Helpful To Immunity

Chyawanprash is a mixture made by using the variety of healthy and nourishing ayurvedic herbs. It bolsters the immune system and enhances the body’s natural ability to produce red blood cells. Specialists of Ayurveda believe that it is good for lungs as it nourishes the mucous membranes and helps in keeping the respiratory passages clear. It improves the natural resistance of the body because of which it is used as a perfect tonic in winters. Chyawanprash sugar free properties makes it consumable for people suffering from sugar levels and diabetes.

Chyawanprash supports healthy function of the heart and respiratory system. It tones the reproductive system and increases the overall strength and energy in the body. By kindling the digestive fire in the stomach it helps in building healthy immune response and youthfulness. It rejuvenates all the tissues in the body and encourages optimal urinary health as well. 

Several studies are being conducted on chyawanprash which states that it is beneficial for the immune system. Immune system fights the harmful bacteria or virus invade inside our body and stops them from causing any kind of disease inside the body. Chyawanprash helps the immune system in fighting out those allergies, germs, bacteria, viruses etc. so that the body stays healthy.

The main base of chyawanprash is amla which is a rich source of vitamin C which is required by the body to strengthen the immunity power. It reduces the blood cholesterol levels which may become the home to a lot of diseases related to heart and stomach. The common herbs found in chyawanprash which helps in improving immunity are as follows -:
  • Brahmi
  • Asparagus
  • Ashwagandha
  • Pippali

On an estimation ayurveda chyawanprash has 40+ ingredients and 30+ herbs which helps in making the immune system better. If you are suffering from improper digestion and upset stomach, the chyawanprash is a great remedy as it has all the nutrients your stomach requires to stay healthy. People who are looking to buy chyawanprash must go for jiva chyawanprash from jiva Ayurveda. It has all the ingredients and essential nutrients present which you are looking for, that is why it is considered as the best chyawanprash for immunity. It is authentic. 

Jiva chwyawanprash is made by using the natural herbs. There are no chemical substances present in it. The use of antibiotics may result in side effects on the body but such is not the case with Ayurveda. The beauty of Ayurveda is that it is completely natural. 

Friday, 2 March 2018

3 Interesting Facts About Ayurvedic Tea

Ayurvedic tea is helping out people who are suffering from obesity, skin diseases, cancer etc. People are nowadays bending towards the use ayurvedic tea in their everyday life, and why not? It has tones of benefits. It helps in balancing the doshas namely vata, pitta, kapha. Nowadays, people have realized the importance of ayurvedic tea in their lives that is why the popularity of ayurvedic tea has increased. It can also cure diseases like cancer if taken regularly. It can be taken on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning.

Apart from all this, there are facts about the ayurvedic tea which you must not be knowing. Let’s look at some of the mind blowing facts about ayurvedic tea -:

1. It is a Perfume for Your Room

It can act as a perfume for your room, just hang the tea bag on the wall and enjoy the odor. You will inhale healthy air which would be beneficial for your throat and lungs. Moreover the use just does not stop here, ayurvedic tea can also be used to keep mosquitoes away from the room. You can add a natural oil to enhance the fragrance.

2. It Can be Used for Cleaning

You can also your ayurvedic tea for the purpose of cleaning your house. Just dip the tea bag in the water you are going to use for cleaning. You will get a feel of freshness. This way you can keep harmful viruses, bacteria, mosquitoes and other insects out of your house who can spread fatal diseases.

3. Tea Bath

How about an ayurvedic tea bath? This bath will provide your skin and body with all the essential nutrients which fulfills the requirements of the body. Tea bath is a great choice if you are suffering from skin diseases. It will make you feel awesome and opens up the closed pores in the skin.

We all were aware of the ayurvedic tea as the slimming tea, tea that detoxifies, tea with anti-oxidants etc. but were you aware of these facts? I guess not! Ayurveda does not focuses on benefitting a single organ rather it focuses on all the aspects that are necessary for the body to stay fit. That is why people have now turned towards the effective Ayurveda treatments and a big market of Ayurveda is developing in the coming future. Websites such as store.jiva.com are a great choice if you are looking for ayurvedic products online.